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Year 7 Admissions

Our Lady’s is a Catholic College and we are take great pride that Christian values underpin everything that happens in our school.

We are not however, exclusively for Catholic children. We actively welcome all children. Many of our pupils are not from a Catholic background and the way in which they grow into confident, caring young adults and the lifelong loyalty they have for the school and the friends they make here is testimony that our ethos provides something special for all our pupils.

‘Lancashire’s on-line application process is the main means of applying for places but it is still possible to complete a paper application form if you prefer. Please see the following link for the LCC online application:

We also require parents to complete our oversubscription form, which helps us to rank the applications according to our admission criteria should the number of applications exceed our admissions number. This form can be found here

If you have any problems whatsoever with the process or if there is any further information you require, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be pleased to help.’