Appeal for a place at OLCC
If you were not allocated a place at Our Lady's Catholic College:
You can apply to be put on a waiting list. These lists can be long but some pupils will be allocated places as sometimes other pupils will move away and therefore not take up their place. Follow the link below:
Completed forms should not be returned to school but to the area education office by Tuesday 6th May 2025
You can also appeal the decision. This is done by completing the online form for voluntary aided schools at the below link:
Please read the information carefully and follow the instructions to appeal to a voluntary aided school. We ask that the form is completed by Tuesday 6th May 2025. If you miss this deadline there may be a lengthy delay to when your appeal is heard as you may not be allocated a hearing in the initial hearing dates.
Once submitted the completed form will be emailed directly to school. We will then add our own paperwork and send to LCC Appeals Team. The independent appeal's panel meeting will then be heard in the summer term.