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Careers and IAG

OLCC Sixth Form students are given comprehensive advice and guidance about life after the Sixth Form. This includes support with university applications, entry to apprenticeship programmes and career options. 

They begin each academic year with a Careers and IAG interview with a tutor.  Much of our Information, Advice and Guidance is delivered to students through our a tutor time programme and careers lessons, but also in their subject lessons.

During the Sixth Form

We will be providing students with a range of Information, Advice and Guidance to help them plan and prepare for their next step after the Sixth Form.

Events we organise include visits to Careers Fairs and a Higher Education Convention. In addition, we invite a range of specialists in to school to talk about topics including student finance for higher education, volunteering in the community, and specific careers pathways. 

There will be a number of employer encounters during the year, which students will reflect on in their careers lessons. All Year 12 students will take part in meaningful work experience during June. Careers lessons and tutor time will help preparation for this.

Each student will have a one-to-one careers interview with our Careers Adviser, Lou Mosey.

Options after the Sixth Form

These include:

  • University – hundreds of different higher education degrees and degree combinations
  • Further Education – new skills, vocational and work related courses
  • Apprenticeships – available in a wide variety of occupations and at levels up to and including degree apprenticeships
  • Employment
  • Taking a GAP year

Applications to university are made through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) at and students will be prepared and guided through this process by careers lessons, the tutor time programme and individual appointments with our UCAS adviser.

Those not applying to university will follow an apprenticeship and employment skills programme during PD lessons that will provide them with relevant information and develop essential skills.

What do students need to do?

Students need to take some time to consider the choices ahead of them, the type of life they want in the future and the career they are looking for.

All students are registered on Unifrog ( This is an excellent careers platform that allows them to research and prepare for life after sixth form.  It is also how we collate their personal statements and references.  Parents and carers can view their son's or daughter's progress and help them with this.

Applications (for whatever the chosen route for after the Sixth Form) will need to reflect a student in the best possible light. Examination success is very important, but it is not everything! During the Sixth Form students will be building up the skills, qualities and experiences that we hope will make them ‘stand out from the crowd’ and give them the best opportunities for the future.