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The School Day

School is open from before 8:00 am and pupils are able to buy breakfast biscuits and cold drinks. Pupils are welcome early if they wish to buy breakfast or chat with their friends but they should be here when the first bell goes at 8:40 am at the latest.

Registration begins at 8:45 am at which time students should be in their own form rooms. The next twenty minutes is invaluable for form tutors to ‘catch up’ with their form, tell them all the news and events they should know about, help them with any problems they might have and to do a myriad other small things that help the pupils for the rest of the day. This is also the opprtunity for morning prayer and reflection which helps our students to gather their thoughts and prepare themselves to be the best they can be in the busy day ahead.

When the form tutor is not speaking directly to your child he/she will have books available so that they can enjoy a quick read before the day begins.

Period 1 is one hour from 9:05 to 10:05 and Period 2 from 10:05 to 11:05. Each pupil has their own timetable telling them which lessons they have and in which rooms. Lessons are timetabled over a two week period – so the first week is week ‘A’ and the second week ‘B’ and then back to week ‘A’ and so on – so it is the same lesson in the same room first thing on a Monday in weeks ‘A’ but not necessarily that same lesson in weeks ‘B’. Student planners are great in this respect as they remind pupils which week they are on when they look up the date.

Each class may have a different group of pupils in it, so your son/daughter will not be with the same pupils all the time but they will come across their friends often enough during the day to maintain a happy and enjoyable social life.

After Period 2 at 11:05 there is a fifteen minute break. There is then a large selection of food available from the canteen as well as time to relax before recommencement of lessons.

Period 3 and 4 from from 11:20 to 12:20 and 12.20 to 1.20. Not only is there again a large selection of hot and cold food available from the canteen and the opportunity for a longer period of rest and relaxation but for the energetic there are many lunch time activities both recreational and academic in which they can take part. Lunch is served on a rota basis to give each year group the chance to go first in the queue, the rota is displayed in the main hall.

Periods 5 runs from 2:00 to 3:00, after which school officially ends for the day.

Our bus passes can be used on any service buses, not just the buses that pull into our bus bay.  This is important for your son or daughter’s education as well as his or her enjoyment of school life.  Being able to catch any bus home means that they can stay and do their homework in the library and this might contribute to a more relaxed atmosphere when they arrive home. They can also join in sporting activities and attend away matches; join one of our numerous and exciting  after school clubs or take part in our excellent whole school productions.