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Catholic Life

Meet the ChaplainS


Hi, I'm Ben O'Flynn

I'm the Lay Chaplain here at Our Lady's.  I love my job because I get to share and talk about the Catholic faith with so many people.  My faith is so important to me and has been such a gift throughout my life that it feels amazing to introduce people to and help people understand deeper the love God has for us, shown through His Son, Jesus, and the Church.

In my spare time, I really enjoy playing table tennis, so watch out for me at table tennis club!  I also enjoy singing, playing guitar and hiking in the beautiful Lake District that we're so blessed to have on our doorstep. 

One of my favourite saints is  St. John Paul II who said this, which I hope inspires every young person who comes to Our Lady's: "Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ and spread that light wherever you are."

Ben O'Flynn



“I came that you may have life and have it to the full"

Also “My dear friends we should love each other because love comes from God" (1 John 3:7)


Fr. John-Paul:

Like Ben, I thoroughly enjoy my role as chaplain to Our Lady's, and I look forward to my two visits into school every week - you'll usually find me here on a Monday and a Thursday; and when I'm not here I'm probably at St Joseph's parish church where I am the Priest.   Mine is a privileged position which allows me to meet so many interesting people, in the classroom, in the chapel or assembly hall and in other less formal settings, such as in the chaplaincy office where many people like to drop in, on retreat days, or even in meetings!  

Fr. John-Paul